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  • Writer's pictureMercedes Collins

Shine Bright!

Watching children play and navigate through learning social skills is hard. As a parent you want to help your child in every way possible. That causes us to run to their rescue at the first sign of trouble. So, allowing them to learn things on their own can be so hard. Did I mention its hard? Because it is HARD.


This morning we woke up to a big storm going on outside. My daughter and I did our usual “Morning of school” routine. As we drove to school, we talked about her interactions with the other children during play time. About how sometimes her friends may not feel like playing when she does (this has happened recently). I explained to her that its ok if you have to play alone, and that when it feels like no one wants to be your friend we ALWAYS have at least one friend. I asked her if she knew who That was, and after naming one other friend in the neighborhood we finally got around to the right answer. Jesus! As she says the name with a smile I tell her that we are never alone because we always have a friend in Jesus.

As we got closer to her school we went through our morning mantra “Today I will be kind, I will show love, and I will let my Jesus light shine!” Madison then said “But mommy its dark outside, we can't shine our light when its dark!” Y’all! My Baptist roots had me ready to rev up like a preacher lol. I begin to tell her “That’s what is so amazing about Jesus, His light can shine through ANYTHING, especially darkness. And because He lives on the inside of us, His light can shine through us too” After letting me know how cool she thought Jesus was I couldn’t help but smile. “Doesn’t matter how deep, how dark the night is. Keep hope and keep on shining... we were made to glow in the dark.” That line from one of my favorite Christian music songs by Jason Gray holds so much truth. And it was all I could think of in that moment.


Let the wonder of a child be our reminder today that no matter what we are going through, Jesus will reach us there. His light WILL shine in the darkness, no matter what that darkness looks like for you. Whether it be trouble in your family or struggling finances. No matter what it is, invite the Lord in and let Him do His thing. As He shines, so will you. Take a moment and mediate on this scripture:

Jesus spoke to them again: “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12.

Be Blessed!

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