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  • Writer's pictureMercedes Collins

Jesus is... goals?

Hi! Mercedes is the name and procrastination is my game. The secret's out folks, I am a procrastinator. Now don't get me wrong I don't say that as a pat on the back. It's not something I'm proud of. However, I do recognize that when it comes to setting goals and meeting them, my follow through leaves A LOT to be desired. My intentions are good, but after a while I fall down the slippery slop of forgetfulness (or what some might call laziness). Sometimes life happens and one goal gets replaced with another without it's previous friend ever being completed.

These days everybody has goals. There is a hashtag "goals" for everything! From relationship goals, to body image goals and even financial goals. We are all just trying to be better. And I get it, the desire to become a better version of ourselves is a good thing. But for me, that desire sometimes leads me down the rabbit whole of comparison. Before I know it I start trying to achieve someone else's goals instead of my own. Let me just tell you friends, it's not gonna work ok! Trying to be someone you're not will have you looking fickle minded and foolish hearted out here in these streets.

So by now I'm sure you're wondering what our goals should look like. Well if you've been following the blog long enough you know what my answer is... Jesus! (Alexa play Just give me Jesus by Unspoken). Jesus is the answer. He is the standard that all of our hopes, dreams, and goals should be compared to. Not what Sis had on the other day. Not what your friend bought last week, or what car they drive today... I mean the list could on and on (seriously it could).

If we seek what the Father desires for us and requires of us, instead of what the world tries to demand of us, then we would be better off... whew! now THAT'S a run-on sentence for you lol. I don't know about you, but anytime my goals are God goals procrastination never trips me up. I mean Jesus literally walked this Earth teaching us all how to live, and He did it perfectly. If that's not goals then I don't know what is, can I get an Amen from somebody!


"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you"

Matthew 6:33


In conclusion all I'm saying is swap your #[insert whatever this week's goals are] for #jesusgoals and watch the Lord work!

Be abundantly blessed my friends.

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